I document studies not only for the current team to ensure we are all on the same page, but also document for other researchers so they understand the study to not make the same mistakes and understand its strength.

I used the UX Research team's templates which work great.

The slide from the report outlining the final methodology. I harnessed UCD protocols as learned from Ginny Redish's book -A Practical Guide to Usability Testing, and Morten Hertzum's Usability Testing: A Practitioner's Guide to Evaluating the User Experience

I design my reports to orient my stakeholders by beginning with their mental model. In this case, I started with their primary intention of the tool and the design refresh. I followed that with the successful changes.

The protocols included "Task 0". I typically invite participants to get comfortable with the prototype noting it is conceptual and not all screens and functions are available. This includes the instruction to practice talking out loud as they explore the new product and explain what they are expecting if they encounter a desired function or screen is not available. This also allows us to observe what they naturally gravitate to.
At the end of testing, the protocols included an invitation for feedback about the dashboard and what they would expect to see on the main screen. In this case, they were very intertwined.

An overview of the testing scenarios to give the team a sense of the overall usability scoring. Performance is the count of completed task. Perception is the ratings of participants. The repeated task (learnability) on line 3 did not include probes of perception.

A Usability Snapshot for each user task complete with reels, applicable heuristics, and the mapping to use cases. Note the contrast between the moderate success of the "Address" lost card/request new card scenario performance vs perceptions.

A discussion of applicable usability heuristics relating to multiple issues.

An example of empowering the team to understand usability issues. Explaining the poor navigation within a screen with the applicable usability heuristics.